UKSCS works in co-operation with CASC to develop and distribute the Journal of Co-operative Studies in Canada. The network promotes research on co-operatives in Canada around a variety of themes, including agricultural economics, co-operative education, credit unions, co-operative leadership, worker co-ops and solidarity co-ops.
Conferences and events
The association meets annually to share research progress, meet with other researchers, and establish the assocation's upcoming prorities. CASC members also organise and/or particpate in research events nationally and internationally.
Annual MacPherson Talk
The annual talks are held in honour of Professor Ian MacPherson, one of the leading lights of the international co-operative movement. Historian, educator, author, and passionate co-operator, Ian personified the relationship between Canadian co-operative academics and co-op practitioners.
The 9th Annual MacPherson talk in December 2023 featured Morris Altman, Dean of the University of Dundee School of Business and Chair Professor of Behavioral and Institutional Economics and Co-operatives at the University of Dundee. He is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Saskatchewan, a research fellow at the Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, and a member of the Journal of co-operative Studies Editorial Advisory Board
For @coopstudies YouTube for annuall lectures and Co-op Conversations