Co-operative Conversation

Henry Leveson-Gower 

Founder and CEO of Promoting Economic Pluralism 

27 November 2023  

From 7:00 pm GMT

On-line Conversation 

Henry Leveson-Gower will be in conversation with Mike Wistow 

Henry Leveson-Gower is founder and CEO of Promoting Economic Pluralism and Director of New Economic Knowledge Services, its consultancy arm.  He works to open up thinking and action on economic organisation to different perspectives through editing and publishing The Mint Magazine and supporting innovative action on the ground often using multi-stakeholder co-operatives. He has a wealth of experience as an economist and policy analyst seeking practical solutions to address complex and uncertain challenges in environmental policy particularly in the food and land sectors.  He is a Fellow of the RSA, has a degree in philosophy and is a qualified chartered accountant. 

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