The meeting is scheduled to take place at 4 – 6 pm on Friday 26 August 2022 via Zoom.

We encourage all members to attend the AGM, which is also open to visitors and prospective members. If you would like to attend, we ask that you register below.

Standing for election

The AGM will be asked to elect four trustees. If you would like to stand to be a trustee, please email your nomination to [email protected] (with copy to [email protected]) along with up to 200 words that can be shared with members. Please send this by 31 July.

If you would like to discuss the role more, please do get in touch with Rory Ridley-Duff ([email protected]). As a volunteer-run charity, trustees run the charity, in addition to performing those duties required of trustees. The Charity Commission have provided some helpful information on the role of a trustee here:

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

UKSCS 2022 AGM Agenda
2021 UKSCS AGM Minutes
Trustee Annual Report and Accounts
Trustee Candidate Statements

Book tickets

You cannot book tickets for past events.

UK Society for Co-operative Studies is registered in England and Wales as a charitable incorporated organisation Number 1175295. Our registered office is Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M60 0AS.
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