Matthew Otridge works as Chief Operating Officer for Music Venue Properties and as a Community Ownership consultant for Music Venue Trust. Music Venue Properties is a charitable community benefit society that has raised almost £3m to purchase the freeholds of grassroots music venues (GMVs). It seeks to remove the threat of commercial landlords and support community operators with their aims to deliver culture in their communities. Music Venue Trust is a UK registered charity which acts to protect, secure and improve GMVs. Matt previously founded Exchange, a Bristol based GMV, and spearheaded its campaign to become community owned in 2018.
Mike Wistow is a former Chair of UKSCS and has run a number of Co-operative Conversations over the last three years. You can explore some of these by clicking on the link below.
The UK Society for Co-operative Studies (UKSCS) aims to assist, commission and/or identify, and to publish research, and to promote the exchange of information and experience on co-operative studies and research.
UKSCS Charitable Objects are: to advance the education of the public concerning all aspects of the co-operative movement, and co-operative forms of structure.